Let's Talk Trees Held at Midland Resort and Convention Center on Wednesday, October 20 marked the beginning of a new initiative to encourage quality tree care in the tri-city area.
Property owners in this part of Michigan have many nice trees and deserve a method to procure quality tree care with confidence that they are getting what they pay for. All landscapers, tree services, garden centers, and even lawn care professionals deal with trees and shrubs and their care and field questions from homeowners.
Over the next couple of years, we will be trying to establish an organization that will serve as a clearinghouse, a referral source, a quality assurance effort so that consumers of tree care can find licensed, insured professionals who adhere to industry standards and embrace a commitment to customer centered tree and shrub care.
NEARLY ALL GREEN INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS IN THE AREA WERE INVITED TO ATTEND this event. The event was promoted as an educational opportunity to earn MDA credit and ISA certified arborist credit and a chance to meet and greet colleagues in the green industry. Even those who did not need or desire the credits were offered an update on current tree care issues including current management options for prevalent problems.
After the educational presentation, attendees had the opportunity to introduce themselves and their company or organization and tell others a bit about what they do, special equipment or services, etc.
Following is a list of those who did attend. In all, 35 people attended, including a few spouses and company reps from John Deere landscapes and one from Arborjet. 5 earned certified arborist credit. 10 earned MDA pesticide certification credit. All showed interest in activities to promote quality tree care in the tri-cities, including additional sessions like this one. We have a list of most e-mails and will communicate regularly by e-mail.
Bay Landscaping- Dick Somalski, Jeff Merkle, Bill Fisher
Begick Nursery- Paul Begick
Dow Gardens- Ellie Maxwell, Chuck Martin, Ray Jennings
Alden Dow Studio- Beth Martin
Advanced Arborist- Travis Kelly and Kevin Baird
Kindy Tree Service- Kevin Kindy
Weedman- Mark Kosberg
Kluck Nursery- Randy Beadle, Brian Schafer, Tom Kluck, Tyler Kluck
City of Midland- Bart Heil, Bob Allbee, Jeff Histed
Master Gardener- Dan Draves
Maksymum Lawn and Landscape- Andrew Maksymin
Turfworkz- Joe Baker
Garpiel Landscaping- Joe Garpiel
Bohn Tree- Bob Rau, Paul Cale
Bay County Gypsy Moth- Alicia Wallace, Pat Bilbrey
Tri-City Tree Doctor- George Beebe, Jolly Richardson, Dave Sutton
INVITED BUT NOT ATTENDING: Most did not RSVP, so their interests are not known. We will send additional mailings to all. We will try to obtain e-mail addresses from those who are interested in a Quality Green Care Organization and further educational sessions.
Cohoon's Elevator/Garden Center
Reder Landscaping
Maple Hill
Servinski Sod
Ron Kutchey Landscaping
Scott's Lawn
Kable Landscaping
Custom Lawn Care
Tri-City Contracting
Jack's Tree Service
Britt Heinz Tree Service
Village Green
Allen Benjamin Tree Service
Truedell's Northern Tree Service
McDonalds Nursery