Let's Talk Trees and Turf 2011
In 2010, Tri-City Tree Doctor hosted an educational meeting called "Lets Talk Trees". More information is available on the page entitled Quality Tree Care.
On October 19th, 2011, we held another educational meeting entitled "Lets Talk Trees and Turf". Board Certified Master Arborist Dave Sutton presented "Diagnose it right, Treat it right" and Aaron Hathaway from MSU presented "Trees and Turf, Friends or Enemies". The third hour was questions and answers and a couple of short presentations: Joe Garpiel gave a brief discussion of current pesticide use regulations and Ray Jennings spoke about cabling and bracing to mitigate tree failure risks.
A list of those attending will appear at the bottom of this page.
We had a total of 46 in attendance. 33 people got MDA credits, 7 arborists got ISA credits. Those who need CGIP credits can apply for them by sending a description of the session to MNLA and we will confirm your attendance from our sign in sheets.
We were pleased with the attendance, but also disappointed. We had a lot of people there, but so many more who were invited and did not attend. We intend to make this October meeting a tradition. It will be a chance to earn MDA, ISA and CGIP credits close to home and for a small fee that just covers the expenses. We will try to get a guest speaker each year and we will tap some of the local professionals to contribute.
This year Joe Garpiel helped us a lot in the planning and Garpiel Landscaping was a corporate sponsor. Tim Howe at John Deere helped to spread the word and he procured a professional sponsor- Dow Agrosciences.
A long term goal is to establish a "Green Care Clearinghouse" as a service to consumers in the extended Tri-City Region. This would be a central point where consumers could check to see which companies offer which services, what their credentials are, what their service area is, confirm their licensure and insurance, and learn about special expertise or equipment any specific company has or offers. Now the consumer is at the mercy of advertising claims and word of mouth referrals which may not completely address the need for specific information. We would like to hear from any companies that would like to participate. We will be sending a mailing with a questionnaire and then will publish on my website the information that each company would like to share. Ultimately, with some shared funding, we could have a dedicated website that would be referenced in some shared advertising.
Following is a list of those who did attend. In all, 46 people attended, including two company reps from John Deere landscapes and one from Arborjet. 8 earned certified arborist credit. 33 earned MDA pesticide certification credit. All showed interest in activities to promote quality tree and landscape care in the tri-cities, including additional sessions like this one. We have a list of most e-mails and will communicate regularly by e-mail.
Begick Nursery- Paul Begick, Mark Begick
Dow Gardens- Ray Jennings
Weedman- Mark Kosberg
Kluck Nursery- Marty Royer, Rob Thomas, Ken Weiers, Scott Chobad
City of Midland- Bart Heil, Bob Allbee, Jeff Histed, Keith Nefe, Chris Hockaday, Jeff Varner
Village Green- Robert Walsh, Dale Furister, Dave Styn, Brian Sitts, Mike Eagle-- -
Audra Hynes
Larry's Lawn Care- Larry Hutter
Trudell's Northern Tree Care- Bill and Maureen Trudell
United Tree Service- John Sutton
Garpiel Landscaping- Joe Garpiel, Kevin Spagnuolo, Bill Flynn, Cody Sutter, Matt Garpiel
Mark Heinz Landscaping- Mark Heinz
Bohn Tree- Bob Rau, Keldon Bengry, Mark Ramsey
Essexville Public Schools- Dan Boukaert, Fred Keller
Twin Oaks Golf Course- Jeff Diechman
Abele Greenhouse- Robert Rohloff
Frankenmuth Insurance- Eugene Kociba
DeSander Landscaping- Mike DeSander
John Deere Landscapes- Tim and Nathan
Arborjet- Joe Aiken
Tri-City Tree Doctor- George Beebe, Jolly Richardson, Dave Sutton
INVITED BUT NOT ATTENDING: Most did not RSVP, so their interests are not known. We will send additional mailings to all. We will try to obtain e-mail addresses from those who are interested in a Quality Green Care Organization and further educational sessions.
Bay Landscaping-
Cohoon's Elevator/Garden Center
Advanced Arborist-
Kindy Tree Service-
Turfworkz- Joe Baker
Reder Landscaping
Maple Hill
Servinski Sod
Ron Kutchey Landscaping
Scott's Lawn
Kable Landscaping
Custom Lawn Care
Tri-City Contracting
Tri-City Tree Specialist
Jack's Tree Service
Britt Heinz Tree Service
Allen Benjamin Tree Service
McDonalds Nursery