Japanese beetles show up in July and August, having developed from grubs in the turf. Lawn products that control grubs can decrease the populations of the beetles, but often there are still significant numbers, sufficient to be a nuisance and defoliation stress to certain plants and trees.
Favorite targets for these beetles are linden trees, birch trees, cherry trees, mountain ash trees, rose bushes, and at times several others. They eat the tissue out from between the veins of the leaves, causing browning. They will ultimately completely skeletonize the leaf and the leaf will fall to the ground.
We recommend AGAINST Japanese beetle traps, because they actually attract more beetles to your property. We recommend AGAINST spraying insecticides, because they have adverse effects on beneficial insects and pollinators. We have very good soil injected systemic chemicals that will get rid of the beetles within 24 to 48 hours.
These insects skeletonize the leaves of linden / basswood trees as adults. The larva stage mines the leaves, leaving brown spots. Over time, many skeletonized leaves will be on the ground under the trees. This insect is common in the tri-city region of Michigan. They can be controlled the same way that Japanese beetles and gypsy moths are controlled, with soil applied products.